"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
Joseph Addison

Monday, February 9, 2009

Letting Love In

I don’t really believe in love at first sight. I guess it happens, because it seems to be an accepted phenomenon in society. You know the cliched situation where ‘time stands still’ as the eyes meet.

I’ve fallen in love. Believe me, it wasn’t at first sight, either.

I was involved in a relationship prior to this and my ex was something else.

She could quiet a room with her mere presence; stop a conversation when she sounded her voice.

Sleek and slim, she was never far from my waist.

When she was mad, you could sense it. She could shake the whole house when she yelled.

She purred if you caressed her right, squealed if you were high enough.

We had our fights, but we always made up and put any ugliness behind us.

It was puppy love, I admit. Like a crow, I was attracted to her because she was shiny and pretty. I know how shallow that sounds.

Anyways, we broke up but we’re still good friends. We still see each other, but not as often as we used to.

While I was in that relationship, I met someone else. Nothing really happened; mere introductions, but an impression was made on me.

We would meet every so often and have small talk - stolen moments in the day and sometimes night.

I didn’t know why I kept going back at the time, but now I know it was because I began to enjoy her presence more and more.

I feel more connected to her than I did to my ex. This feeling swelled in me until I could deny it no longer.

It was a gradual realization, this love. I tried to fight it by ignoring it, hoping it would go away.

But more I struggled, the more helpless I became to its whims.

She is a real beauty, too; they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when I first beheld her, I was definately not interested.

She was old, mature, and cumbersome.

I know that doesn’t sound attractive, but it’s the truth.

Yet she was still somewhat alluring, when she put her mind to it.

Her voice can be an enigma; one minute her whispers creep across the floor, the next minute, the walls reverberate her shouts.

She’s delicate, but robust.

Upon inspection, you can see she’s been handled roughly in the past. She has character, personality and a history that tells a story.

She’s personable and low maintenance, which is nice, considering my previous relationship.

She has passion, but on a deeper level that wasn’t present before. I am much more comfortable with her in an intimate setting.

With one arm draped over her body and one around her neck, I often coax her to join me in a sweet melody.

This one may be a keeper.