"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
Joseph Addison

Monday, June 1, 2009

Elemental Love

Our love is deeply rooted

in the ground, clutching the bowls

of the earth

Fertile soil bears a harvest,

Reaping that which was sown 

from coyness and mirth 

Our love is carried on a breeze,

a free spirit dancing on chinook

gusts of air

Travelling through the land

in every season, a relief

results from a prayer 

Our love burns like wildfire,

consuming all emotion in

a destructive blaze

Passions flare up from the ashes,

a single spark caused by

a sultry gaze

Our love flows down a river,

tumbling over rocks and pooling

in the current

Through the rapids it churns,

sinking in the eddies and

rising in the torrent

Like the calm before a storm

our love bides the time, waiting to

rampage across the land

Forces collide and wrestle with

the elements, only to submit

to nature's command.

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